Thursday, November 12, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

      Unit 3 was about the cardiovascular system and cardiovascular health. The cardiovascular system transports materials like oxygen and glucose to cells and removes waste materials from cells. It is made up of the heart, or pump, a network of tubes, and blood. Cardiovascular health is preventing heart diseases and strokes. Heart attacks are occur when blood supply to the myocardium is reduced or completely stopped. This results in damage to heart cells. A stroke occurs when an artery which supplies the brain becomes blocked. Both strokes and heart attacks can be caused by atherosclerosis, chronic inflammation in blood vessels. To prevent atherosclerosis or any cardiovascular disease, one should control blood pressure, cholesterol,  and weight. One should eat healthfully, exercise, and manage stress as well. I would want to learn more about the treatments of heart attacks and stroke. I still have questions about the ways each treatment is different and how doctors decide which treatment they would use for their patients.

        I enjoyed this unit and it was because of the labs. For example, doing the sheep heart dissection really put everything into perspective. It was so different from the diagrams and models we had looked at in class. Having to find the parts of the heart from memory and from definitions was challenging but I learned a lot from it. Towards the end of the unit, however, I started to slack off on reviewing my lecture notes. I think this set me back a bit because I didn't remember that material very well and a few days before the test I was trying to cram all that information into my head. For the rest of the semester I will make sure I fully understand the material to be able to apply it to real life situations.

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