Monday, September 7, 2015

Histology Lab Relate and Review

     From this lab, I learned what epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous tissues look like. Most of the epithelial tissues that I looked at had cells closely packed together in layers. This would explain why one of epithelial tissue's main function is protection. I doubt a lot of material would be able to get through that many layers. Each connective tissue sample I looked at was very different from the others. One of the connective tissues that I looked at had lots of layers and parallel tissue, which must have been the dense regular connective tissue. Another had many different shaped cells that were very spread out. Most of the muscle tissues looked the same. The fibers were straight and flat. I could also see the intercalated discs in the cardiac muscle sample. The nervous tissue sample that I looked at had so many cells packed together. It was a peripheral nerve and in it, I could see the nerve fibers and axons.


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