Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Unit 1 Reflection

     This unit was about anatomical terms, macromolecules, the parts of a cell, and histology. One of the main themes of this unit was the relation between the structure and function of different body parts. Another was knowing the characteristics, functions, and locations of the tissues. To improve in the next unit, I plan to study my notes more and come in to tutorial to make sure I have the best understanding of the material we're learning.
     From this unit I learned how to describe where things on the body are in anatomical terms from the Hana the Banana Lab. I learned about the different organ systems and their functions. The way that each organ is structured plays a big part in the function of that organ. I also leaned about the four macromolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. I know what each of their monomers are and their main functions. I learned about the different parts of the cell, like the nucleus and mitochondria, and where they are in the cell. Cells work together to form functional units called tissues which I also learned out. There four different tissue types: skeletal, epithelial, nervous, and muscle. I looked at samples of all these tissue types during the Tissue Lab and that helped me get a better understanding of what each tissue looked like and how that related to it's function.

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