Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Measuring Blood Pressure Lab Analysis

     The systole is the first heart sound produced as the atrioventricular valves close and the semilunar valves open. Systolic blood pressure is the number on the gauge when the first heart sound is produced. The diastole is at the end of systole as the semilunar valves close and the atrioventricular valves open. The diastolic blood pressure is the exact point when the sounds stop. The index and middle fingers or stethoscope can be used to measure heart rate. The stethoscope and sphygmomanometer, or blood pressure cuff, can be used to measure blood pressure. Using the thumb to measure pulse is not ideal because it also has a pulse and can cause confusion while counting.
    First, make sure the blood pressure cuff is completely deflated. Put the cuff on the arm, above the elbow, of the person whose blood pressure is being measured. The head of the stethoscope should be under the edge of the cuff. After making sure the valve on the pump is closed, start pumping until the gauge reaches 150 mmHg. Then open the valve of the pump so the air goes out slowly. Watch the needle on the gauge and listen for a heart sound. The time when you hear the first heart the systolic blood pressure. The last heart sound you hear is the diastolic blood pressure.

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