Saturday, October 10, 2015

Unit 2 Reflection

     Health is a combination of mental, physical, and social well-being. In order to maintain good health, one must have a balance in the five pillars of health: exercise, nutrition, social, sleep, and stress management. I think I am a pretty healthy person; however, I could work on my sleep and stress pillars. Most of SHS has the same problem: we're all sleep deprived and stressed out. In order to promote greater health and wellness on campus, there should be more communication between teachers and students. Knowing that teachers care about the well-being of students can make a big difference.
     A big theme of this unit is working on each pillar of health. From this unit, I learned about the six nutrients: carbohydrates, protein, lipids, nutrients, minerals, and water. I learned how the phosphagen, glycolytic, and oxidative pathways help the body meet its energy needs. I also learned about the affects of sleep deprivation and how it messes up the body's circadian rhythm. I still don't fully understand how the stages of stress transition from alarm phase to resistance phase to exhaustion phase. For the next unit, I will try to get the more out of the labs we do in class.

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