Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Digestive System Lab

1. In this lab, I measured my digestive system out with ribbon and string. I learned that my digestive system stretched almost all the way across the classroom. I liked this lab because it really put into perspective how long our digestive system is and made me think about how the alimentary canal can fit into the human body.

2. The length of my digestive system is almost 5x longer than my height. My digestive system fits inside my abdomen because the small and large intestines are folded into a small

3. I think it takes a few hours for food to move through the entire digestive system. According to Mayo Clinic, however, food can take 24 to 72 hours to digest. This time varies based on age, amount of physical activity, and the type of food being eaten. For example, the body digests fiber very quickly compared to fruits and vegetables.

4. Digestion is breaking down food into smaller pieces. It begins in the stomach and occurs in the small intestine. Absorption is taking in nutrients and water, which occurs in the small and large intestine.

5. I want to learn more about the enzymes that break down the food and about the structures of the organs of the digestive system.

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