Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Missing Parts of the Brain?

     This article is about a woman was able to survive for 24 years without a cerebellum. The cerebellum is essential for motor control, muscle memory, and speech. It modifies the motor commands before sending them to the muscles to make sure the command is accurate. The cerebellum also has about half of the total neurons in the brain. This would explain why the woman had problems keeping balance while walking and felt dizzy. Missing part of the brain is a rare case; cases like these reveal how the brain is able adapt and continue to function even without a large part of it.
     The lateral cerebral sulcus separates the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobe. The sulci are the grooves in the brain. These folds help the brain take in more glucose and oxygen and help the brain fit into our skull. The more grooves an organism's brain has, the more complex functions the organism can perform. An absence of these grooves is known as lissencephaly, which causes developmental delays and brain malformation. Polymicrogyria is a condition where there are too many folds in the brain which can cause neurological problems like seizures, delayed development, and muscle weakness.

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