Sunday, March 27, 2016

Unit 7 Reflection

 This unit was all about muscles! Some of the main themes of the unit were basic anatomy of the muscle, how muscles contract and relax, and muscle health. First, we learned about directional terms and joint movements through a dance we made up. The dance was a really fun and easy way to memorize the many movements. Next, we learned about muscles from a more anatomical point of view. Our muscle contraction video was a creative way to show we really understood what is happening in the muscle when it contracts. We reviewed the three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. We learned about connective tissue, which was similar to the connective tissue around the heart. We also went over how the muscles work with one another to move parts of the body, like bending the elbow or flexing the foot. We also learned the names of the major muscles in the body and how they're named based on their size, shape, location, and action. The chicken dissection helped me review the muscles and their names. Lastly, we learned about the ways lifestyle affects muscle health. For example, we learned the difference between the muscles of a sprinter and a long distance runner. We also went over the effects of steroids on the body.
                                                                                Here's our muscle contraction video!


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